i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here!
Jasmine: Ohhhh, eljay LJ eljay LJ! lol, blur me.
You're using livejournal now?
Cheryl: Lol really! Show me her picture! :D
Tracy: Hahahs, how come didnt do anything!
Kiwi: Hahahs, belong to the cat.
MMM: Yes it does! Really deserve the name pong pong fen.
Hahahas, My hair is like damn flat like.. flat flat flat kind.
But just abit of the pong pong fen on the roots and mess it up
abit and my hair really become very pong!
Guest: There is a Majorlica Majorca counter at Ngee Ann city
Check out this entry for a free make over from MM.
Weiling: Hahahs won't one luh! Dion't make too red luh~
Elina: Hahahas, yeees! Damn, why is twilight coming
out on Dec 18 when it's already out in US!
So unfair! hahahs, i told leon i wanna watch
twilight in gold class when it's out.
Fabian: Lol, but i don't think you'll go up to any stranger to
tell them "you turn me off"? Isn't that suppose to be kinda rude?
Or does it not apply to me?
Melissa: Yeaaaah! thank god i'm not the only emo person!
Clarine: Oh! Thanks babe! :D
Angel: Ngee Ann City watson
12345: Nope it isn't but she likes to call herself that. Lol.
Quennie: lol, just don't bother about them!
Hahahas, which product from dhc!
WT: Okay! Next post yah?
Sarah: Hahahs, i got 210.
Hu: Thank you! (:
A!: Thank babe! I got it from Helen, Plaza Singapura. (:
Geraldine: We're the emo kids! :x
Dine: Thank yoooou! :D
Cakee: SGD640. (:
Clare: ahhh, i really wish it'll get published!
Quennie: thanks babe, i'll check it out!
Fiona: Okay dear! I'll check it out! (:
Dweam: You're on my msn already dear! :D
Kingnie: Hahahas, eh, duet song for a guy & girl actually.
Hahahas, yeah i did, leon forced me to read. lol.
Elina: lol, there's never such thing as tag too much!
I wouldn't wanna feel like i'm blogging to the wall!
Thanks, i'll check it out! (:
AndyStorm: Hi there, nice meeting you too!
Missytan: Nope it's not from leon, My grandma gave me the
diamond ring on my birthday last year (:
O type: hahas.. okay..
Christine: Yeah sure. (:
-: huh really meh? use firefox please!
Pass: Hahahahas, i don't wanna go and count luh.
Think the amount will give me a heartattack or sth. hahahas
Philips: Indulge Your Senses Exclusive Blogger Event
Many thanks for the Philips team, Sabrina & Gavin for the invite!
We were suppose to be at Fairmont Hotel lobby at 6pm,
But i got the timing all messed up, so i was late! ):
Took a cab to The Scarlet Hotel directly.

Was told to head to Breeze, at the 4th level.
Luckily i haven't missed out any part of the event even thou i was late!

One of them was the Philips flat Tv with Perfect Pixel HD Engine.
Then we were asked to split into our groups,
and we were led into on of the suite in the hotel

The three ladies from Philips who introduced the Philips Micro Hi-Fi System to us!

Featuring bluetooth technology,
The Hi-Fi System lets you enjoy music from your mobile phone
and PC wirelessly.
The audio system even have a built-in mic for hands
free calls and switching between calls and music.

How cool! The ladies from the philips team
even demostrate the hands-free calls function to us.

And the Philips Advanced Acoustics In-ear Headphones
comes with "Comply Canal Tip" Memory foam sleeves,
Which fits your ear perfectly, providing exceptional comfort
and noise isolation.
Then Simon led us to the limo which we're having a "blind sound test"
and we're suppose to guess which one is by philips!

Hehe, can't say that i'm not excited to be ferry around in a limosine!

I seriously don't know how those celebs can get
in and out of the limo so glam-ly.
Lol, i knocked my head like 3 times when i was
trying to get out of the limo. :x
It's my 1st time meeting her and she's like constantly so high and funny!

Then we were led into another room, (our last stop!)
The guys in our group were led into another room where
they were introduced to philips shavers,
etc and were given some styling tips!
Meanwhile, the Loreal team was showing us girls
How to style our hair properly,
And we were introduced to Philips SalonStraight straightener and
SalonCurl Pro Curling iron.

We were told that these straighter/curler from Philips
produce a more long last results because it's able to
reach a temperatire of 210 degrees and it has ceramic plates
which is less damaging in comparison to those straighter/curler
with strainless steel plates
Sabrina is out group's guinea pig!
Hahahas, they curled her hair and she was laughing
and saying that she looked like a poodle. LOL.
Jack from Loreal introduced us to the Infallible Lipcolour,
One stick is the colour lippie/ the other is a lipbalm.
After you apply the lipstick, wait for it to dry,
And go over with the lipbalm, which seals the lipstick.
He even pat the lipstick mark on his cheeks/forehead
and shirt to prove that it's truly "infallible".
He told us they call it "scandal lipstick" in their office,
Cos it's totally untransferable on any surface.
Even when you drink from a cup, the cup won't be
smeared with the lipstick mark at all!

They curled esther's hair! Nice right!

We had a lucky draw, and they were teasing us by
telling us the name of the winner letter by letter!
When they said "A" ... "N"...
Everybody was like oooooh! and pointing at nadnut!
But it's actually andy! Lol.

We were waiting for the limo to come to fetch us back to Fairmont Hotel.
Soooo, we started camwhoring - naturally!

and peggy was suppose to be the "paparazzi" lol!
And peggy went crazy as usual and did stupid things
like making silly faces at people cos she thought the limo's glass was tinted.
Lol, they the people actually wave back!!
Went for supper with nadnut, esther & issac after the whole event.
and loads of hair product/skin care from LOreal.
I gave mummy the day cream and she says it's not bad!
I'm trying out the Derma Genesis Essence concentrate now,
2 drops every morning & every night.
I'm bored and i'm pretty much out of anything to read again,
So i ordered three books from!
So i ordered three books from!

And i bought a new pair of heels!
Sayonara loves!
Going to meet boyf after his school ends!
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